Why You Need to Visit The Middle of the World

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Middle of the world in Quito, Ecuador

Guys, if you haven't visited Ecuador, you have to go! It is one of the most amazing places I have ever been. I consider myself so lucky that Diego is from there, because I never would have visited otherwise (or even known where it was- geography is not my strong suit). I have been a few times now and every time I love it so much more. I know you will love it too!! Here is why you need to visit the middle of the world:

1. Ecuador has IT ALL. No seriously-- clearwater beaches, mountains, Amazon, rainforest.. just to name a few. You can hit all of these in one trip.

Clear water beach in Galapagos

2.  Ecuador is right on the equator (hence the name), meaning the temperature is the same every single day, the whole year! Packing jackpot!

Dancing with the devil in Mital del Mundo, Quito
Dancing with the "devil"

3. It's cheap, especially the food. On our last trip, we had an amazing $20/person four course meal at the Mansion Alcazar, something that would cost about $80-$100/person in the United States. Highly recommend eating in the rose garden at this boutique hotel if you travel to Cuenca!

Floral coffee shop in Galapagos

This is my kind of coffee shop. Holy gorgeous.

4. Been to Spain and loved it? You'll see the same, gorgeous Spanish style architecture in Ecuador. Travel to downtown Quito or Cuenca to visit the beautiful central parks.

Shop my packing list here:

*Packing tip: Keep everything in the same color family so you can mix and match throughout your trip*

So, are you planning your trip to Ecuador yet? Let me know so I can come with you!!

Love, Bailey

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