Current Obsession | Athleisure Edition

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Shoes (dying for these and these) | Pants | Tank | Hat | Watch

Okay, so you came for the clothes, but maybe you'll stay for the psych lesson from the therapist side of me.  Do you have trouble with fatigue, sleeping, anxiety, feeling down, anything?! Here's the number one piece of advice I give EVERY client: You HAVE to exercise 3-5 times per week!! Most roll their eyes at me- you've probably heard this before from your doctor- but I'm not providing weight loss advice, or even suggesting you improve your physical fitness.  I'm talking about mental wellness! Here's the good news about being told to exercise by a therapist: we aren't referring to the stair stepper, running a half marathon, or doing squats (although all of those will work!); we are talking about being active for 20-50 minutes- this includes going for a quick walk.  Do you get an hour lunch break? Eat your lunch in 20 minutes, spend 20 minutes walking around the parking lot at your work, and you've still got 20 minutes to browse on Pinterest! Okay so there's lots of scientific research to support this... but don't worry, I didn't forget you're here for the fashion 😉 Find my exercise necessities below!

Here's a few things I'm currently obsessing over: new Lululemon High Times Pants, my dog (always), and my Nike running watch.

Sweatshirt (similar) | Want this one and this one

I'm wearing a size L in this sweatshirt (my usual size is S). Always size up for oversized fit in Nike.

Lulu is finally back with the herringbone pattern! This is my first pair of Lulu pants that are the knitted texture. Pants that are high waisted + knitted = sweaters for your legs. And we all love sweaters.  So cozy!! Lulu pants have been getting a bad rap lately- but I have bought a few pairs of tights recently and worn them several times with no issues. The good news is, they will trade in any pair, no matter how old if you have an issue, so it's a win/win in my book!

Workout favorites:

I mean really, could he BE any cuter?!

I love my Nike running watch. I think the Apple watch is such a great design and is very visually pleasing; however, I hate that it does not have GPS yet. This is such a must have for running! This Nike watch does not need to link to my phone, which is such a plus for me. I like to leave my phone at home when I'm heading out for a run- no music necessary! My Nike watch tracks my miles, calories burned, pace, time elapsed, etc. It also keeps records of all my past runs so I can compare as needed- handy for training.
When I do bring my phone on a run, I use Spotify to listen to music. I love using "Your Running Mix", which uses your pace to pick songs for you and mixes them like a DJ (fades songs into one another). Access it here: Spotify > Browse tab > Scroll down to "genres & moods" > Running > Your Running Mix. Have running music recommendations for me?! Please share, I'm constantly updating my playlist!!

Grab your favorite workout gear, your fluffy little guy (or best friend, coworker, husband...) and get your mental wellness on! 

Love, Bailey

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