How to Help Hurricane Victims

Friday, October 7, 2016

Well, it's Friday, yay! But if you live anywhere near the Southeast coast, this is NOT a happy weekend! I wanted to type up a quick post about how you can help relief efforts for the victims of hurricane Matthew.

American Red Cross: Donate here or donate $10 by texting 90999 

International Red Cross: Donate here.  Please help Haiti, their destruction is unimaginable with the death toll reaching a reported 300 today (hopefully this number won't continue to climb, but it's highly possible)

Volunteer Florida: Register here Rather than a monetary donation, you can donate your time and service to help rebuild FL after the hurricane

Food For The Poor: Donate here. 

Salvation Army: Donate here. Relief for Haiti and Jamaica

UNICEF: Donate here

Save The Children: Donate here. Relief efforts for children and families after the devastation

CARE: Donate here.  Clean drinking water, food, and emergency services for those affected

Catholic Relief Services: Donate here.  CRS is ready to transport and deliver relief items for Haiti.

Please consider donating your time and service or your monetary funds to help victims in Haiti, Florida, Jamaica and other areas affected by hurricane Matthew. Please stay safe this weekend and send your positive thoughts and prayers to those affected by the storm!

Love, Bailey

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