Book Club: Recent Reads

Sunday, December 18, 2016

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Happy holiday week!! Going on any road trips this week to see family, friends? Here's what you should download for your car or plane time (or "me time"- you know you need it during the holidays ;))

Pretty Girls - two sisters are estranged following their sister's disappearance; a new disappearance of a young girl brings about discoveries related to their sister (and each other). Chilling, twisted, and at times disturbing (I had to skim through some parts which I usually never do). Compelling storyline but some elements of more juvenile writing, I give it a 7.5/10

You, and then read Hidden Bodies - Two book series, that will hopefully soon have a third! I read the first on a 6 hour plane ride to Ecuador in the middle of the night when I had planned to sleep... I truly could not put it down!! The writing style of this book is different than anything I've read lately, I wouldn't quite describe it as stream of consciousness but it uses choppy first person style narrative that is easy to read and keeps you engaged.  The second book picks right up where the first left off, don't read it till you've read the first.  The plot is everything- suspenseful but relatable- better than Gone Girl if you ask me- read it and tell me if you think I'm crazy?!  Both 10/10, obviously

Missing You - Have you read other Harlan Coben novels?? I have always liked his writing, easy to read with twists and turns. This one is about a detective that discovers a dating profile for her long ago ex. She starts communicating with him and quickly realizes something is amiss-- leading her to eventually doubt all the people she trusts in her life. I give it a 8/10

The Kind Worth Killing- Multiple characters' perspectives throughout (love) and strangers getting way too dark and honest with each other (love the most). Detailed back stories for the characters will keep you reading. 9/10

The Obsession-  I hadn't read any Nora Roberts thrillers before this. Definitely different than the above reads in that romance is a big part of this book (the others have elements too, but not in the same fashion as classic Nora Roberts).  In my opinion, starts out strong, has a good middle, ends weak. Despite this, I couldn't put it down, and honestly, I enjoyed it, so 8.5/10 for you Nora.

What I'm reading now: Superficial by Andy Cohen, and The Shining Girls which is dragging for me. Anyone read it? Should I keep going?? Always looking for new books to add to my wish list... drop me a line! :)

Love, Bailey

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