Small Ways To Save + Tie Sleeve Sweater

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

There are lots of ways to save money- but many of them require lifestyle sacrifices or a lot of planning.  I just wanted to share a few small ways I save dollars here and there- pennies add up! Here's some ways I tried to save throughout the past year and will continue during 2017:

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Get books from the library instead of buying/downloading - I do this ALWAYS.  I buy maybe one book a year, and only if it is something I really want to own because it has special significance, or if I'm DYING to read it and it's not available at the library. My library has a pretty sophisticated website, so I have created lists for: "completed" (how I keep track of what I've read so that I can blog about it!), "for later" (wishlist of what I want to read next), and "currently reading".  If I bought every book I read, it would add up to more than$400 per year!! I'd rather have a new bag, thanks. 

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Write out your grocery list before you go- you've probably read this before, but it really makes a big difference! You'll buy less random stuff that sits at the back of your pantry and only get what you need. Oh, and don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach- that gets ugly real quick. 

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Take home leftovers- We try to limit our eating out to 2 times per week... is that a lot of a little, I honestly don't know. Every time we eat out we try to bring home leftovers so that our meal money goes farther! Works best when eating mexican... fill up on chips and salsa (and margaritas) and bring home half your meal. Works like a charm. 

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Use resale websites to sell clothes/items you don't wear often- I haven't tried this yet but plan to!! Speaking of..I have a Chanel purse and a LV wallet I am going to sell if anyone is interested, let me know.. or if you've had a good experience with a luxury resale company, please share. 

How do you save money?? Please share!! 

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Love is in Style | Bailey Machuca

Love, Bailey