Bumpdate | Weeks 1-17

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to be able to record life milestones. You may have seen on social media that Diego and I are expecting our first baby!! I'm finally past the freaking out/anxious/terrified part (not sure if that's a normal reaction or just me) to be able to feel the excitement and actually be happy and content when thinking about the baby coming. Hope that doesn't sound negative- I am so blessed to have been able to get pregnant so quickly and I feel so lucky every day, but that was also co-existing with the feelings of fear about the future.  Maybe I'll write more on that on that later?

Here's where I'm at so far with my new little addition on the way!!

Weeks pregnant:17
Weight gain: 5 lbs 

Symptoms: SO lucky so far- only some infrequent nausea at the beginning but never actually ill. I felt tired but not horrible- still able to make it through the day without naps, but also not getting much done after work (TBH not really different than before pregnancy......) Now in second trimester feeling really well. No negative symptoms other than feeling bloated/heavy which is only going to get worse I'm sure! :)

Got these beauties for my announcement picture from Nectar Floral Designs

Attire: Still in all my regular clothes but definitely not wearing any of my high waisted jeans (sad). Occasionally using a hair tie as a button extender on days I'm feeling uncomfortable! Today at work someone mentioned my belly which is really the first time anyone has said anything about it! 

Exercise: Walking everyday with my pup. I used to carry him in a baby carrier on walks- he HATES to walk.. but I'm trying to get him used to walking on the leash as someone else will be in the baby carrier soon ;) There's also a lot more of: "We need to ease out treating him like he's an actual baby" going on. 

Movement: None yet. I thought I may have felt something once while driving but don't feel convinced! Waiting anxiously for that.. 

Missing: MARGARITAS.......... 

Cravings: Margaritas. Just kidding. Nothing specific or long lasting- in the beginning I could not get enough salty food- I was eating everything with teriyaki sauce and making micro popcorn like 3x a day and adding tons of extra salt ( I wonder why I'm feeling bloated? 😉) Also had a few days of craving powerade slushes and tater tots which I would drive 40 min each way to get.. Now pretty much back to normal eating habits but also justifying eating anything I want by saying "it's a craving". 

Sleep: Fine for now! 

Mood: Much better than weeks 6-10!! No random crying while watching HGTV shows or Real Housewives. 

Prep: Nothing yet. I bought one stuffed animal and my mom has bought every baby book in Spanish that exists. Buenos noches, Luna!

More to come soon! ♥

Love, Bailey